sea week



we had to find bugs and let them go and we also release them because we cant keep them and we had to be gentle with the bugs is found isopods an i also found a sand jumper and a random but that was very good at crawling.



We were talking about shells and a story of the 3 sons the son of the forest and one of the sea and one of the wind we made lots of arts with the shells and we even blow in some snail shells that made sounds.



We talked about how big the blue whale is and its 30 m long and it took 19 people + the teacher to make the size of the whale and the weight of its tongue is at least heavy like a elephant.



We printed the patterns on a shell and used pencils to make more of them and we did this for a while and we even used clay to print it out and used ink to print it.



We gave some plants and we were told about how the water covered the road nut they got rid of the water by making plants and trees grow to block the water because the sand mixed with the water and they didn’t like it so they got rid of it.


my smart goal


Name: Reyne  Date: 30 october 2023
Goal – Remember to check that it is SMART!


SMART Check   ✅

Does my goal have enough detail?

Plan – What will I do to be successful?

Work hard to earn money to make my own business and if it takes off i can help people out.


How will I know I have achieved my goal?


Is this something I can realistically achieve in one week?

Review: Did I meet my goal? (Circle one)

😀    😐    🙁    😭

Why did I meet / not meet my goal?

Not yet 


What do I need to improve at the most?


The time-frame for my goal should be one week.
