what i did on my holidays

on my holidays my sister went to her friends so it was just me and my brother and me and my brother went for walks and our mum brought slushy and our cats kept fighting and my brother stayed up late playing games and i couldint sleep and my cat kept attcaking her kitten and suplexed him into the ground and they ran around the house and my sister and her kids came over and my sisters son was being annoying and my cat attacked him and my sisters daughter whos a toddler just slept and me and my brother had lots of candies and we stayed up alot and we also went to places like the park and that and we had a real fun time we had fish in chips and i had chines we ate lots of food and gaming and my brother kept being annoying on the weekends but we did have Pepsi

recap on te papa detective

I read a book about what a curator is. They are like detectives. They look at ancient objects and lots more there are over 35,000 in Te papa and they take care of all the objects, there is the cross tree it has a pole that is red and it holds up the flags, the cross tree and also a war between the Taranaki as they fight hard for their land but the government wanted this tree, wants to get rid of those flags and put theirs on it instead, also the curator aka the detective found a item called the skull Tiki it was deep in the storage, it was carved with rauru and piko-o-rauru patterns and a paper that read on one side 21. n.z.156 skull tiki, on the other had a stamp that was a crown with the words G.R, she looked at the bottom of it and saw a cross-hatched markings that means that the skull is just a fake she was surprise and shocked the other was in England being guarded.


WALT:replying to comments

we are learning to reply to comments and also answer questions and ask them and we also give them a greeting to start with and reply nicely and get rid of bad comments for example  it is quiet hard to see it but we reply nicely and not make things get not heated like fighting or making it bad just nice comments.

The weather

people may not like rain but I like rain because you get to stay inside and have a rest and you can also jump in puddles and, you can even enjoy the weather and the things I do on a rainy day is sleep or watch youtube and, play games and the rain makes water rise but the down side is it makes floods and, it destroys homes but it grows crops so we can eat and, it gives us energy and hydrate us and we can find new spices of fishes and you get to spend time with your family.

The paralympic games then and now

They started in 1960 and people used to play archery in wheel chairs and enjoyed it and lots of people played in wheel chairs and played lots of sports.  Back then it all started by archery in wheel chairs and people enjoyed it and now its a huge thing happening.  People now visit to watch the games supporting their country in the games having fun they play games like para ice hockey and skiing and football and lots more. They had lots of events in 1960 the first time the paralympic started and people didn’t care until they did and the paralympic started and back the women wern’t allowed to join but then women were allowed and now men and girls are both allowed in.